Owen Johnson
I am

an astro-physicist.

a vagabond.

a graphic designer.

an astro-photographer.

About Me

My name is Owen. I am an Irish astrophysicist, currently enrolled as a PhD researcher at Trinity College Dublin , jointly supported by UC Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. Evan Keane and Dr. Vishal Gajjar . My research is based on transient astronomical objects using everything from pulsars as gravitational probes to searching large data sets for signs of ET. I am also a associate member of NANOGrav .

I completed my undergraduate degree in Physics with Astronomy and Space Science at University College Dublin (UCD) in 2022. During this time I worked as a research assistant at UC Berkeley. Working primarily using LOw Frequency ARrays (LOFAR) looking for technosignatures on targets found by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

When I am not looking at the transient sky, I like to cycle long distances to take pictures of the stars, go in search of the world with my dad on my NC750 and climb rocks for fun. I am also an avid MotoGP and NBA fan. Interested in talking about any of my research or other interests, don't hesitate to reach out!

TCD Logo BSRC Logo
TCD Logo BSRC Logo

Fun Facts
9 telescopes used
1000+ coffees consumed
15 Countries Visited
100,000 Lines of Code that failed to compiled
44 TESS Targets Observed
1,600,000+ Gaia Targets Observed
5,000+ km Cycled
Relevant Experience
June, 2024 - August, 2024 | Frontiers Development Lab

Working under NASA Goddard's Planetary Environments Laboratory to apply AI/ML to Mass Spectrometer data to test a proof of concept for in-situ analysis for future space missions.

Research Assistant
May, 2021 - August, 2022 | UC Berkeley SETI Research Center

Working as part of the wider SETI and Breakthrough initiative using low frequency radio-astronomy to search for evidence of extra-terrestrial life. Developing software and performing observations. Regularly presenting and publishing findings.

Research Intern
Jan, 2021 - May, 2021 | UCD School of Physics

Working on a case study that involves the analysis of surveys to inform the write up of research reports and the preparation of supporting materials for the incorporation of EDI awareness into physics and mathematics teaching and learning practices.

My Education
Trinity College Dublin
2022-2026 | Dublin, Ireland

Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Physics and Astrophysics

University College Dublin
2018-2022 | Dublin, Ireland

Bachelor's of Science (BSc. Hons) in Physics with Astronomy and Space Science

Arklow CBS
2012-2018 | Arklow, Ireland

Completed leaving certificate equivalent to a high school diploma.

Other Information

Republic of Ireland (EU)
United States of America


Full B & W Class Irish (EU) Driving License

Personal Skills
  • Communication
  • Team Work
  • Leadership
Professional Skills
  • Python
  • Bash
  • LaTeX
  • C
  • CUDA
  • Photoshop
  • Teaching / Tutoring
Get in Touch

University of Dublin, Trinity College,
Astrophysics PhD Office 4th Floor,
SNIAM, Main Campus Dublin 2, Ireland.




(+353) 87 116 0331


Twitter: @OwenJoh

Contact Form

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A Simultaneous Dual-site Technosignature Search Using International LOFAR Stations
2023, The Astronomical Journal | Johnson. O et. al
Path-finding with the Old Breed: Using the Old Open Clusters of the Milky Way for Galactic Tracing
2022 | BSc Thesis

Final year project to be submitted as part of BSc to UCD School of Physics. Final paper awarded an A grade.
Download PDF

Presentations & Conferences

SETI-LO: A Simultaneous dual-site technosignature search using international LOFAR stations
Aug, 2023 | Irish National Astronomy 2023 Meeting

Are We Alone? A LOFAR SETI Survey of TESS-Selected Exoplanets
Aug, 2021 | Irish National Astronomy Meeting

Talk given remotely alongside friend and colleague Ben McKeon (NUIG)


Dual Site SETI Using LOFAR
May, 2023 | AbGradCon 23, La Jolla, CA

Download PDF

Are we Alone? Simultaneous dual-site SETI with LOFAR
Nov, 2022 | IAC XXXIII Winter School

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